Multimediale Inglese - Broacast Events International

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Video & Audio editing   Add

A professional presentation of your event made through a balanced and effective video is the first step in a process of communication that can lead to success.

Communicating on video, in a coordinated and complete way, is something that goes far beyond artistic form.

Keeping track of what happens, whether it is a congress or any other event, is crucial to being able to promote it.

It is better not to improvise a good video, rather to make decisions about it in advance: design it, draw up a storyboard and disseminate it on the right media channels.
Photo shooting     Add

The importance of photos in any event is known. Photos can be beautiful, funny, meaningful, decisive.
Only the eye of those who execute them will determine their characteristics and that is why a good initial project can greatly facilitate the result.

Whether they are photos of studio subjects, objects or live events, there will always be the right professional for every situation.
Live streaming    Add

Audio video streaming is now a vital necessity for any activity, both ordinary and extraordinary. This past year characterized by a pandemic that has brought the entire event sector to its knees, has somehow forced everyone to a significant change of paradigm. The vertical development of collective communication activities has demonstrated the infinite potential of this type of technology, showing everybody its real feasibility. This acknowledgment, however, has moved the ball on the concept of being able to do it perfectly, with even more innovative and orderly ideas and on the specific real need of the event and of the customer.

Thinking now of having both present and virtual speakers and connections all over the world and for any need is something extremely obvious and often necessary. These new possibilities can lead to the same result, a very sensitive reduction of risks and costs and in addition open the way to sponsorship strategies.
Virtual reality   Add

Imagine having to move a Boing 747 and bring it to your event, or your estate with the swimming pool and attached stables, or even to bring in a fair a 100 meters long and 40 meters wide marble cutting machine, beyond the material impossibility of doing so, for certain things, even where feasible, you would certainly be discouraged by the costs.

Or imagine making any person change mood by transporting them into a wonderful, real and interactive reality, where after a few seconds the mind and all the senses abandon themselves to the new environment.

Virtual reality is now the new step to enter an era where communication changes its consistency. In some ways, if done with intelligence, it passes through every other type of traditional communication and leads not only to the knowledge of what we want to represent, but overcomes completely all the concepts of "not possible".

Any synthetic reality can become something tangible often more interesting than lived reality itself and removes all limits to the imagination.
To give the best results this service needs the right gestation and continuous and effective collaboration with the customer.
Sound management   Add

A sound system for a concert is not suitable for a congress. A sound system for a congress must be calculated for the environment in which it takes place, it must not be intrusive or annoying, it must not oppress the first rows nor be weak for the last ones. Spreading sound is an art, calculating its reverberations and resonance is a profession.

Cutting the sound frequencies that fall into the microphones is essential to be able to use the amplification a few meters from the microphones, eliminating those whistles, that are too often present in many events, give continuity and professionalism to your event.
Post production    Add

Editing of new videos, reduction and correction of existing materials, creation of animations integrated into videos, creation of educational, advertising and scientific multimedia streaming, specific audio production for any need, creation of songs that can remain your exclusive property, audio / video synchronization of multitrack footage… that’s just some examples of what we are able to do for your company.

The professionalism of the group of specialists in this service will really surprise you.
Graphic design    Add

Processing of graphic images for advertising, informational, educational and social purposes.

Technical, medical, scientific, environmental graphics.

Creation of 3D graphics for integration with real images and videos.
Just trust us!
Media Library    Add

Able to store all the contributions of the speakers at the conferences, the most significant phases of the events, the sponsorship videos, the informative video materials, all the teaching necessary for courses and technical explanations of third parties. In a word, a real video library, always available, easy to consult and continuously upgradeable simply by adding new videos.

A real virtual library on server, free of costs related to bandwidth consumption for views and with a constantly updated, high quality backup, also very suitable for the storage of power point, jpeg, png, pdf… images.
Proprietary owner Graphic Software    Add

A technology to do with titling, text size, beginning and end of the recording, which also includes the fade in and out of the audio, based on a proprietary software, easily customizable, allows enormous savings in time and a lot of precision during recordings and live montages directly in HD format.

This implies the possibility of not engaging a technician specifically for this function, but above all, it allows there to be no post production editing, with the use of very reduced budgets. You will also be able to immediately have the finished product even for an eventual sale on site.

Mobile App  Add

For your congress, you will need to register people, to communicate with each of them, to form working groups, to pass information on during the event, to use simultaneous translation directly from your mobile phone, to access the scheduling of contributions and events, to ensure the speakers dialogue with the technicians, to give space to any sponsors and last but not least, to maintain contact over time with the participants.

In a word, you could have a customized application for you and for all your conferences and events, including future ones (respecting privacy).
Tecnical Management   Add

One of the strengths which greatly differentiates our technical structure from many others, is the ability to be completely independent in Europe and in many other parts of the world.

The meaning of this is easily understood when you think that we can transport all our equipment with our technicians and with everything you need for the event.

By using known materials, with operators who have developed the functionalities themselves, it allows us to reduce eventual problems to a very minimum and indeed in this way the attention to problem solving is moved to 95% in the physical location and allows us to optimize actions and time as a function of help towards other complementarities that are not normally within our competence.

Using important backup and redundancy services will also make it possible to change projects during the event.

Motorized cameras, video directions, projectors, audio amplification systems, microphones for all uses, streaming direction, spy monitors, simultaneous translation systems based on reception via the mobile phone, headlights, projectors, profiles, smoke effects, etc., are tested first to be loaded into the means of transport and retested immediately during assembly, to give the event the maximum guarantee of success.

New simultaneous translation system.
Innovative live translation                       Add

We all know the traditional booths with translators inside and headphones that are distributed in the room to listen to the translated audio.

The main problems encountered in using this system are:

1) The need to transport a large volume of material on site,

2) Short time to assembly the whole structure,

3) Disinfection of the headphones
4) Charging of the batteries of the headphones,

5) Disassembly of the system…

As you can understand, all these problems inevitably affect the cost of this important service.

Broadcast Events International has currently an important alternative in this regard:

The system, we have created, does everything you know, but is based on transmission via private internal network (no WEB) to the mobile phones of the participants, who can use their own telephone to listen the translations, comfortably using their own earphones.

This system does not need installations, transport, and does not require recharging batteries of any kind.

It is an extremely economical " LOW BUDGET " product that is stable.

This service can be requested to be unhooked from any other and be introduced in any event organized by third parties.

Furthermore, this system also works in any place, outside a built-up area and inside a structure. You will also be able to use it in areas open to large groups of people in continuous movement.

Broadcast Events International l.t.d.
International House-36-38 Cornhill LONDON
EC3V 3NG  United Kingdom
VAT GB 261 8823 88
& Multimedia Agency
Consumer Events,Congress
Created by Broadcast Events International LTD
Broadcast Events International l.t.d.
International House-24 Holborn Viaduct LONDON
EC1A 2BN  United Kingdom
VAT GB 261 8823 88
Consumer Events,Congress
& Multimedia Agency
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